1. Code of Conduct
Breaches of the Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) Care for the course, for example:
- failure to repair pitch marks
- not raking bunkers
- not replacing divots
- pulling trolleys onto or across teeing grounds;
b) Foul and abusive language
c) Abuse of clubs or the course:
- throwing and/or breaking clubs
- defacing or damaging on-course signage
- damaging course equipment, tee markers, flagsticks, rakes etc.
d) Being disrespectful of other players, referees, organisers or spectators
e) Mis-use of Social Media:
- publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others via any social medial platforms
- excessive use of social media during the round
f) Acting I a manner contrary to the spirit of the game (Rule 1).